Sunday, September 18, 2005

What is wrong with people?

Went to breakfast this morning with my usual group of Sunday Morning Brunchers. We went to a different location than usual. After we got our food and were into our meal talking and laughing and telling stories about what is going on in our lives and new jobs (all of us have the same former job in common--liked each other, hated the boss), the waitress comes to our table and says "Hey, I've a got question for you" and proceeds to tell two innappropriate gay bashing jokes. She didn't even seem to notice the looks of shock on our faces. She didn't know anything about us, if we were gay or straight, if we wanted to hear a joke (or how violent or non-violent we could be). She was in her mid-50's, I would guess---we didn't even know what to say--she had been perfectly nice up until that point. I really want to believe that she is just totally out of the loop and has no idea how offensive those jokes are. Is telling jokes really appropriate EVER when delivering food to strangers who have in no way engaged you any conversation other than placing orders. And why would anyone ever tell such inappropriate unfunny comments to a group of strangers?

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