Sunday, July 30, 2006

T minus 2. . .

Saying good-bye's is winding down and the last days are finally here. Because my moving day has changed in the last week--there have been a couple of 'lasts' which ended up not really being 'lasts'.
I've spent so much time planning and preparing for this move, I just want it to be over. I am dreading the long drive but am anxious to get into my new home and get settled. I need a new routine to start to give me some semblence of my familar world. I will miss a fair number of people here in midwest city; however, with internet, cell phones, and airplanes--it doesn't really seem that they will be that far away. Maybe this thought in my head hasn't made the good-bye's seem that difficult. I have made some good friends here and I will miss them, but I plan to return here for the holidays to visit. Hopefully some of my friends will come to visit me in new job city.


Psycgirl said...

Good luck with the move statgirl! I hope you get settled in quickly at the new place

Anonymous said...

I hate moving. But, being someplace new can be exciting. Have fun!

Abbey said...

Good luck with the drive - what did you end up deciding with the kitty?