Friday, April 21, 2006

It is official. . .

One martini, two martini, three martini ..... floor.

The Dr. has left the building and gone to happy hour. Goal attained.


Mon said...

Wooooohoooo!! Congrats to you Dr. Statgirl!!

sheepish said...

Kick ASS! Congratulations, Doc!

RageyOne said...

Just lovely! :>)

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Psycgirl said...

Yay! Congrats Stat Girl!

ScienceWoman said...

congrats congrats congrats!

phd me said...

Absolutely fantastic! Congrats to the nth degree!!

Seeking Solace said...

What's up Doc! Cheers to you!!!!

Leslie M-B said...

Delurking to wish you congratulations. What an accomplishment!

Abbey said...

That's so beyond exciting! To think we all 'knew' you before you were a Dr. :)

Congrats and hopefully you found a soft floor after all those martinis.

Jennifer said...

Wow that's so exciting! I hope you do a lot of celebrating for all the work you put into this!

kmsqrd said...

Well, Doctor, I think that's all nifty!! Enjoy the fresh air!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Statgirl! I am SO proud of you, though I knew you would have no problem. As for me, still mulling....

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. I hope you did drink all those martinis. Yum.
