Tuesday, April 25, 2006
ABC Meme
Accent: I'm from the Midwest where television journalists are born.
Booze: Of course! Dirty martini or a good red wine
Chore I Hate: Changing the kitty litter-yuck!
Dog or Cat: Cat
Essential Electronics: Laptop, iPod, PS2
Favorite Cologne: Poison
Gold or Silver: Platinum.
Hometown: Small town, USA
Insomnia: Only when stressed.
Job Title: very soon it will be Assistant Professor!
Kids: No thanks.
Living arrangements: 2br/2bath rental--looking to make my first home purchase
Most admirable trait: I've got some memorable traits but I'm not sure they are really admirable.
Number of sexual partners: A single digit
Overnight hospital stays: Never
Phobia: Hights make me a bit nervous, but I'm not afraid to look down.
Quote: On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essential est invisible pour les yeux. -St. Exupery
Religion: Church of sleeping in on Sunday.
Siblings: 1 sister
Time I wake up: Wake up? 6:30 or 7. Actually get out of bed? 8 or 9.
Unusual talent or skill: Hmmmm...I can roll my tongue and also turn it over.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Green peppers
Worst habit: Procrastination.
X-rays: Just teeth
Yummy foods I make: Desserts (cakes and cookies)
Zodiac sign: Sagitarrius
Friday, April 21, 2006
It is official. . .
The Dr. has left the building and gone to happy hour.
I.am.a.Ph.D. Goal attained.
ABD for a few more hours...
I'm not nervous. I'm done.
Next post will be from Statgirl, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Graduation Stress
It has taken me almost a full 24 hours to calm down enough to come to a compromise with the manager and I'm still cranky!!!
Trying to remind myself that the important thing about the party is that all my friends and family are there---location details are not the important thing, location details are not the important thing.....
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Student Stress
- Email from Stu Dent on Monday
I am attaching my rough draft and although I am still working on the paper and making changes I would like some feedback. I did notice that the rough draft was due yesterday but I'm looking forward to your comments to help me now.
Stu Dent
Most interesting thing about this email is that this student is so @#$$% clueless that he/she can't even read the syllabus and notice that the rough draft was due over a week ago.
My response: none
- Email from Tuesday
Dear Dr. Statgirl-
I am very much interested in enrolling in your XXXX class this summer. I have a few questions: 1) When does the class start? 2) When and where does the class meet? 3) When does the class end? 4) Can I do part of this class independently?
I should tell you that I will not be able to attend class at all until the end of June due to work conflicts.
Looking forward to your XXX class,
Dr. Future Stu Dent
Is this Stu Dent for real? " I'm completely clueless, apparently already have a PhD and can't use the internet AND , by the way, I would like to enroll in a class in which I will miss at least half of the class sessions"
My response:
Stu Dent,
All course information is on the university website. If you cannot attend class until the end of June , you should not enroll in a summer school course.
- After exam in class today:
I get back to my office and notice that there is an error on my exam. I asked a question which was impossible to answer from the materials provided. NO ONE asked about this question during the exam...... oh geez, this is not a good sign about their comprehension of the material.
And I really want to be a professor and I'm so excited about my new tenure-track job. (Repeat 3 times.)
Monday, April 17, 2006
Acid Free Paper and Taxes
When do they think we theses/dissertation writers will print our archival copies that are due on the last Friday in May???
I finally ended up at the 'help desk' defending my need for more acid free paper before July. Possibly convinced them to order, but I was not hopeful. However, as I was checking out....a guy walked in, saw my purchase and asked me where the paper was located---I sent him to the help desk to tell them that they need to reorder!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter Slug
5:30 pm seems like a reasonable time to take a shower and get out of my PJ's finally, doesn't it?
Friday, April 14, 2006
On checking email...
I am pretty certain that I did not see that email from a student sending a rough draft 3 days late. It is very clear on the syllabus that it was due on Tuesday and that should the student not have the draft to me by Tuesday, then the final copy would be the only copy I would read. I think email makes submitting things late way too simple--would the student have bothered to make a trek to campus to submit the draft to my mailbox in hopes that I would forget about the passed deadline? I think not.
Sleeping and Dreaming
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Random Bullets of Crap: Life Update Edition
However, in order to undertake this task, a 'bullets of random crap post' is in order to get things rolling again. . .
- Dissertation is back from the format check---only 4 tiny things to fix in the reference section. Yea! It was well worth paying someone to deal with all that triple space, double indent crap.
- Hotel rooms are booked for visiting family for graduation weekend
- Defense presentation is in pretty good shape-practice run through soon to polish
- Article is back with the editor (anticipating small changes only next go around [fingers and toes crossed])
- Party list is made, appointment made with manager to detail food, beverage, money issues (will print invitations this weekend)
- Still waiting for graduation announcements to arrive--not high on my list, but sure makes the family happy to get one of those double enveloped things.
- Personal life is a 0 ...... whoa, wait! I now have time to have a personal life again--must let my friends know that I am alive.
- Plan to go to coffee/dinner/drink/something with boy from past --why do I do this to myself? I am over him....at least I always think so until I see him again. I'm thinking I should wait until after the defense to schedule this outing.
- On the homefront--serious cleaning is in order.
- Need to go to the grocery store--how is it possible that a girl that loves to eat as much as me can harbor such deep hatred for the grocery store trip.
- Still have a stack of my students' rough drafts to read....hhhmmm? Did I mention that I needed to clean?
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Home Sweet Home
Speaking of the office--I'm back in it. My dissertation is done. My defense presentation is pretty much ready to go (just modified the job talk). I spent hours in airports and on the plane yesterday working on a manuscript that I think will make it out the door this week after another conference with other authors.
The only REAL task in front of me is grading my students' rough drafts (ugh). How will I function without 9 things that are all due yesterday??
Time to get into full graduation party planning and house hunting mode. What a nice change from recent weeks.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Dissertation Dump: Part II
It hasn't quite hit me yet. I'm done. I wrote a dissertation and I will be a Ph.D. in a few short weeks. It could be the fact that in the midst of this dissertation culmination I also got the last round of revisions on a book chapter out and a revise and resubmit finished on a journal article. Could it actually be that I am on my way to becoming a professor? Might I actually be getting the hang of this gig??
Stay tuned......I need to go pack my bags. I have an early flight out tomorrow morning for a conference.